Dial 911 In An Emergency

For safety and security concerns: Dial 276.523.7473.

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Department of Public Safety & Campus Police

Godwin Hall, Room 153, Parking Lot A Entrance

Grayson Cothron, Chief of Police

gcothron@jlszwjxw.com or campuspolice@jlszwjxw.com

276.523.9023 Godwin Hall, Room 153
Robert Grider, Police Officer 


276.523.7498 Godwin Hall, Room 153
Jordan Baker, Police Officer 


276.523.9024 Godwin Hall, Room 153
James McDonough, Campus Security Officer


276.523.7473 or 276.207.1171  

Police personnel are available seven days per week. Police officers are certified Law Enforcement and Public Safety Officers and undergo annual refresher training.

Report Threats of Violence, Crimes, and Other Concerns

Anyone who has knowledge of a threat of violence, a crime, or any other safety concern, should fill out and submit an MECC Incident Report Form. You may also report concerns by calling the Police Department at 276.523.7473 or in person to the Officer on duty in Godwin Hall room 153. Telephones for reporting emergencies are available in every classroom, hallway, and the main entrance to each building.

Campus Police Mission Statement

Campus Police is committed to providing a safe environment that is free from violence, threats, harassing, and/or disruptive behavior. Threats or actions that violate college policies are investigated and appropriate actions taken to protect students, employees and the public.

MECC Annual Security Report 2023

The Higher Education Opportunity Act (Public Law 110-315) amended the Jeanne Clery Disclosure of Campus Security Policy and Campus Crime Statistics Act (Clery Act). The Handbook for Campus Safety and Security Reporting published by the U.S. DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION (ED) defines requirements to comply with the Clery Act. Generally, the Clery Act requires institutions of higher education:

  • Collect, classify and count crime reports and crime statistics.
  • Issue campus alerts. To provide the campus community with information necessary to make informed decisions about their health and safety, you must:
    • Issue a timely warning for any Clery Act crime that represents an ongoing threat to the safety of students or employees;
    • Issue an emergency notification upon the confirmation of a significant emergency or dangerous situation involving an immediate threat to the health or safety of students or employees occurring on the campus.
    • Publish an annual security report containing safety- and security-related policy statements and crime statistics and distribute it to all current students and employees. Schools also must inform prospective students and employees about the availability of the report.
    • The regulatory requirements regarding crime statistics are discussed in Chapter 3 of the Clery Act and the regulatory requirements for the annual security report are discussed in Chapters 7–9 of the Act.
    • Submit crime statistics to ED. Each year in the fall you must participate in a Web-based data collection to disclose crime statistics by type, location and year.

The Clery Act requires disclosure of three general categories of crime statistics:

  • Criminal Offenses—Criminal Homicide, including: a) Murder and Non-negligent Manslaughter, and b) Negligent Manslaughter; Sex Offenses including: a) Forcible, and b) Non-forcible; Robbery; Aggravated Assault; Burglary; Motor Vehicle Theft; and Arson.
  • Hate Crimes—Any of the above-mentioned offenses, and any incidents of Larceny-Theft, Simple Assault, Intimidation, or Destruction/Damage/Vandalism of Property1 that were motivated by bias; and 1 The 2008 HEOA regulations expanded the list of hate crime statistics to be included in Clery Act statistical disclosures.
  • Arrests and Referrals for Disciplinary Action for Weapons: Carrying, Possessing, Etc., Drug Abuse Violations and Liquor Law Violations.

Campus crime statistics are available for the past three years and include information about crimes occurring on the college campus, at public areas immediately adjacent to the campus, and at certain non-campus locations. The current report is available at MECC Annual Security Report 2023. A printed copy is available upon request by contacting Campus Police at 276.523.7473. A daily log of crimes reported to Campus Police is available to the public during normal business hours.

Emergency Response Procedures

Posters that describe emergency procedures and response to common emergencies on campus are posted in every classroom and office on campus. All students and employees should review emergency procedures for evacuation, lockdown, and go to emergency shelter to be familiar with established procedures for their specific location.

Emergency Notifications

During emergency events or situations, the college community may be notified in several ways. Emergency notifications will be delivered using multiple methods, which may vary depending upon the event or situation, to best inform students, employees and visitors. Notifications may be delivered by:

  • Alarms or Sirens
  • Text Message (must be registered to receive text messages from MECC)
  • E-mail (students and employees)
  • Broadcast messages over the MECC telephone system
  • Posting on the college’s website and/or social media
  • In person
  • Electronic message boards on campus
  • MECC closed circuit TV


In the event a situation poses an ongoing threat to the campus community, warnings will be provided in a timely manner to allow individuals to take actions and precautions to protect themselves. Warnings will be delivered by text message, e-mail, and through postings to the college’s website and social media.

Personal Safety

Minimize your risk by following these guidelines:

  • Do not prop outside doors open.
  • Do not walk from campus buildings to parking lots alone after dark. (Call campus police at 276.523.7473 for an escort if necessary)
  • Do not leave purses, book bags or other valuables open or unattended.
  • Avoid working or studying alone on campus at night or on weekends.
  • Keep car doors and windows locked.
  • Be aware of your surroundings and report people or things that appear unusual.
  • If you See Something – Say Something. Notify Campus Police if you see something suspicious or of concern.

Virginia Sex Offender Registry

The Federal Campus Sex Crimes Prevention Act of 2000 requires all colleges to issue a statement advising the campus community where information on registered sex offenders can be obtained. The Virginia State Police Web Site provides information about registered sex offenders.